Week 5+6

While I only came to Bristol to imrpove my english, other students came to BLC to prepeare themself for living in the UK. One of them, Vicki from Neuchatel, left the school last week after finishing her CFE, to start working in the UK. She made this decision because her boyfriend, who is originally from Venezuala, has been living in England for last few years. He came to England because of the economic situation and hyperinflation (up to 1000000% a year) in venezuela. Luckily for him, he is semi-italien which allows him to live in europe.

In the end of the 5th week I went to the city of Portsmouth with my parents who came visiting me in the UK. In Portsmouth we went to the National Museum of the Royal Navy Portsmouth which showed (with ships from the napolionic era to the present days) how naval warfare and the life of the soldiers on them have changed. It was surprising to how cramped the early warships like the H.M.S Victory were, when you consider how many people were in these ships and how brutal it must to have been being involved in fire exchanges over houres with other ships within quite a short range and the bad medical situation back then.
The H.M.S Victory, flagship of Lord Neslon and the Royal Navy (until the present day)
The a big part of the Museum focused on Lord Horatio Nelson, since he was the person who defeted the french at Trafalgar, which resulted more or less in person cult around him and a annual rememberance every 21. of october, later lost his importance due to the worldwars and the 11. of november but Nelson remains being one of the most famous british persons today.
I also visited Salisbury, Wells and Glastonbury. It seems like the annual festival has changed Glastonbury quite a bit, since there developed somekind of a hippy cultre in the small town which results in things like "Cashew nut milk cheese" and makes it neraly impossible to find normal (nonvegan) food in the restaurants and cafés.
Old sarum near salisbury was quite impressive considering it is a giant constructed hill built over 1000 years ago, but Stonehendge was rather dissapointing as it really small size makes you wonder a bit why it is so famous.
Some new words I learnt are: to cajole, to nudge, glands, stubbed, daunting and hardship.


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